Source data set: LC Data (en)
Source information
Data set information
Short name of sourceShort name for the "Source citation", i.e. for the bibliographical reference or reference to internal data sources used. LC Data
ClassificationOptional statistical or other classification of the data set. Typically also used for structuring LCA databases.
Class nameName of the class.
Source citationBibliographical reference or reference to internal data source. Also used in order to reference to databases and tools, data set formats, conformity systems, pictures etc.. German Network on Life Cycle Inventory Data,, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany
Publication typeBibliographic publication type of the source. Software or database
Source description or commentFree text for additional description of the source. In case of use of published data it may contain a brief summary of the publication and the kind of medium used (e.g. CD-ROM, hard copy). LC Data is the data inventory and data supply of the German Network on Life Cycle Inventory Data
Link to digital fileLink to a digital file of the source (www-address or intranet-path; relative or absolue path). (Info: Allows direct access to e.g. complete reports of further documentation, which may also be digitally attached to this data set and exchanged jointly with the XML file.)
Belongs to: (contact data set)"Contact data set"s of working groups, organisations or database networks to which EITHER this person or entity OR this database, data set format, or compliance system belongs. [Note: This does not necessarily imply a legally binding relationship, but may also be a voluntary membership.] German Network on Life Cycle Inventory Data
Administrative information
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved)Date and time stamp of data set generation, typically an automated entry ("last saved"). 2008-01-21T10:00:00.000+01:00
Data set format(s) (source data set)"Source data set" of the used version of the ILCD format. If additional data format fields have been integrated into the data set file, using the "namespace" option, the used format namespace(s) are to be given. This is the case if the data sets carries additional information as specified by other, particular LCA formats, e.g. of other database networks or LCA softwares. ILCD format
Publication and ownership
UUID of source data setAutomatically generated Universally Unique Identifier of this data set. Together with the "Data set version", the UUID uniquely identifies each data set. 250c8a64-470a-461d-86de-0bccc648deef
Data set versionVersion number of data set. First two digits refer to major updates, the second two digits to minor revisions and error corrections etc. The third three digits are intended for automatic and internal counting of versions during data set development. Together with the data set's UUID, the "Data set version" uniquely identifies each data set. 01.00.001
Permanent data set URIURI (i.e. an internet address) of the original of this data set. [Note: This equally globally unique identifier supports users and software tools to identify and retrieve the original version of a data set via the internet or to check for available updates. The URI must not represent an existing WWW address, but it should be unique and point to the data access point, e.g. by combining the data owner's www path with the data set's UUID, e.g.]